Ficlet: Trail of the Pbuffalo

Jul 24, 2009 22:26

Title: Trail Of The Pbuffalo
Author: Beer Good (beer_good_foamy)
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 760
Characters: Dawn, Faith, Vi, Rona, Giles
Just a small interlude from the everyday life of a couple of monster fighters. As the new Slayers start to get more slayage experience, it's time to fill them in on some crucial but little-known history concerning Slayers, demons, certain urban legends, and just how the hell the Council made its fortune.

"Huh?" Faith mentally rewound the conversation, then grinned, leaned into Vi's personal space and looked at her seat. "Oh, yeah. Definitely a four-skin job."

rona, faith, author: beer_good_foamy, post-chosen, potentials, vi, dawn, giles

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