Evil Genius

Oct 07, 2008 05:14

Usually, the stuff I write has a particular theme--especially when I write vamp!Character fics. Not this time. KingOfCretins issued a challenge involving vamping a character from the series and I decided, "why not just have some fun?" Sometimes "Evil Genius" is funny, and sometimes it's sad. And I suppose it could still make you think a little.

Disclaimer: All characters are property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. This work of fiction is for entertainment purposes only and is certainly not making me a single red cent.

Setting: Angel S5, alternate outcome of "A Hole In the World"/"Shells".

Characters: Ensemble (no Eve, but just about all the other regulars); vamp!Fred

Rating/warning: PG (a few mild innuendoes, some tear-jerking; character death, obviously)

Word Count: 5650

Synopsis: When Illyria begins losing control of her powers in "Time Bomb", she accidentally loses someone in the past. But it's no big deal...it's only Harmony, after all. What difference could one ditzy vampire make?

Part I )
Part II )

author: mabus101, harmony, fred, alternative universe

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