New Kind of Same

Aug 21, 2008 21:01

Title: New Kind of Same
Author: ubiquirk
Rating: R
Genre: genfic: angst, drama
Word Count: ~6000
Character: Faith
Disclaimer: Not mine; no money.
AN: Written for the 2008
lynnevitational   . Lots of thanks to
firefly_124   for betaing. Title taken from “Disappearer” by Sonic Youth. Story inspired by “No Future for You,” though it’s not necessary to have read it.

Summary: Set after “Chosen.” Faith did the all the right things - she helped save the freaking world, for god’s sake. She’s one of the good guys now, so everything will change, be all perfect and crap. … Right

New Kind of Same

comic canon, one-shot, drama, angst, faith, btvs: s7, author: ubiquirk

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