Fic: A Father's Love, Part 1: The Dream (FRT)

Jul 13, 2008 09:18

X Posted to summer_of_giles.
Rating: FRT, genfic, Willow, Giles centric

Summary: Post Chosen, not remotely comics compliant. Two years later, a prophetic dream sends Willow back to London and the Watcher who has driven everyone away. Can she help him let go of his grief and guilt? Before the next apocalypse?

Written for Nanowrimo 06 and LJ summer of giles 08

Housekeeping matters first. The kind mods of summer_of_giles have agreed to let me take a couple of alternate days since my offering this year is very long, and I'm leaving for Texas on the date I signed up for ages ago. The first half is in good shape, and the rewrite on the second is coming along nicely, though I'll want it beta'ed before I post it. I'm going to be posting it, and all its continuations, out on my page, with notices here and at gen_storyteller after summer of giles is over and the comm closes for the year. If you have a account, you can also get emails when the story is updated by placing it on your story alerts.

Briefly, this story began as my first participation in Nanowrimo, in 2006. It has undergone a number of revisions since then, and was even picked back up as a possible pinch hit for antennapedia's antique roman ficathon a year or so later. When the person I was pinch hitting for came through after all, I lost momentum again. But I've always wanted to finish it, and I thank the mods of summer_of_giles for opening up the comm to completing and revising old WIPs. A very early version of this can be found among my entries for Nov 2006 to March 2007, and I do not suggest you go back to see them. But I do thank friends who read at the time and offered encouragement and feedback to a new writer.

Without further ado: here's the link. Feel free to leave reviews. Enjoy.

post-chosen, willow, multi-chaptered, author: hobgoblinn, giles

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