Pothole From hell

Mar 07, 2008 03:09

Pothole From Hell
post-Chosen: Buffy responds to a hellmouth crisis. Or not.
Rating: PG
With thanks -- and apologies -- to vichan.

Buffy stared in disbelief at the huge hole opening at the intersection of Ontario and Superior Avenues. Behind her ranged a team of slayers, weapons ready, stamping their feet to stave off the cold.

“You’re seriously telling me this is not the Hellmouth opening?” she demanded.

Firefighters, TV crews, and utility workers worked around the hole. Some shot the slayers curious looks, but at the moment they had other things to worry about.

Xander just shook his head. “Water main break.”

Buffy shook her head. “Seriously?”

“Buff, it’s winter in Cleveland. The locals would welcome a Hellmouth, right about now.”

post-chosen, xander, drabble, author: ozma914, humor, buffy

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