Halloween drabble: They are Legion: Buffy, various ghosts

Oct 30, 2007 17:02

They are Legion
Summary: post-NFA. Buffy and a team of Slayers investigate the ruins of W&H.
Rating: PG
Note: For the Halloween challenge, but originally posted in open_on_sunday for the "ghost(s)" challenge. Feedback said it was creepy, so I thought it'd fit here.

“All right, girls. Stay sharp.” Buffy scanned the ruins. “There has to be someone left.”

“There’s no-one here but ghosts.” A blonde woman, who wasn’t one of her Slayers, appeared in the lobby. Half of her skull was crushed.

A woman with glass embedded in her eye crossed the rubble, laughing. From the corner of her eye, Buffy saw a man at the reception desk, chopping off his fingers.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Miss Summers.” A man in a nice suit, with a huge chunk missing from his bloodied neck, extended his hand. “Welcome to Wolfram and Hart.”

drabble, author: shinodabear, post-nfa, buffy

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