Group 1 - some weeks later

Jan 21, 2007 11:40

When we last came around Auk's house, she & Derek had just gotten married and they were working on starting a family.  We should probably knock first, they seem to spend a lot of time walking around in their underwear. 

Hey, Auk, whatcha waving for??

I have this incredible urge to spin into some Maxis underwear & I feel a sudden weight gain coming on.

Well, I was Chief of Staff you know, I realize this isn't just  too many pancakes.

Yes, m' dear.  You have a definite case of the "bumps", on the nest you know, great with child.


Dude, stop yer bragging!  And go get dressed, your work here is done. *blushes*  No!! Don't harvest the money tree first!

Awww, shucks!  T'weren't nuthing!

Criminal MasterMind??  But you can't keep that job!  You guys are my wholesome couple -  you've got a family to think of, for Pete's sake!  Go find yourself another job, before one of your best friends has to arrest you!

How about something in the Science field? Is that legal enough for you?

Yeah, Science works.

You know Auk, for a pregnant lady, you've really managed to keep your figure!

Thanks Alon, it's just this suit, I think.  It doesn't allow much room for my tummy. But I heard that there's going to be a baby contest soon.  Do you know who's organizing it?

You guys - you're not having a baby contest!  Who's bright idea was that anyways! *sheesh*  You're having a slight population explosion, that's all.  I guess I should've downloaded that 24 hour sim pharmacy!

Whew BABE!  You are one hot mama!!

Hellloooo -with mama being the key word here!  Get a towel, boil the water!!  ooooohh!

It's alright - breath!  Just one more spin, you're almost there!

Aww, daddy's little girl! Welcome to the family, Robin!   I'm feeling all platinumy!

Must max cooking skill!!  This is my last missing skill!

Woot Derek - but a little less snacking & a little more packing would be a good idea!

And Auk spent most of her time canoodling with baby Robin, and catching up with her friends, who were all sharing their baby stories.

Yeah Derek!  Thanks for that point!  Yes, this is my abnormal knowledge sim,  who always wants to party & woohoo.  Go figure!

And practically overnight, Robin was ready to grow out of that first year diaper & into some real clothes.

Derek - come out from behind the fridge, don't you want to watch your daughter blow out her candles?

Yay!  I haf my own potty! No mowe diapies for Wobin!  
That's Robin, A Virgo - Neat 10, Outgoing 1, Active 8, Playful 8, Nice 8

And momma & daddy bought me a new wabbit, what I WOVE!  And dhen dhey went outside and pwayed in duh bubble tub.

And Derek worked his tush off & Auk taught Robin everything she needed to know as a toddler.

What's your name, preddy wady?   And do you wuve my wabbit?  He's my fwiend.

I'm just Michelle, a friend from college, who's frozen inexplicably in time until you get ready to come to campus & take over your mum's Greek house.

What's a Gweek house & why do I want to tip it over?

Momma, nothing personal, but you might wanna skip the cake this time.  You're getting kinda doughy around the middle.

Make a wish Robin, and never you mind about momma's tummy, she's tired & cranky.

Hi, Michelle?  Will you come over & play chess with me?  I wished for a friend for my birthday, and you said you were a friend...

shhh, don't tell Daddy, I'm playing his new stereo. 
I ain't teasy, I ain't sleazy,  I got reasons why I teasin'
Boys just come and go like seasons,  Fergalicious...


uhoh!   - coming momma!

Honey, did you see what came in the mail today??

Daddy - I think somethin's wrong with momma - she's hollering for you and for Jesus!

Derek - forget the mail & get over here!  This baby's coming out noooooow owowow~

(please be a little sister, please be  little sister...)

So, let's poke through Auk's mail and see what had Derek distracted....

Well, there looks like there's something going on down the street, no wonder the place is all lit up -

But it looks rather deserted, we must be early.  Hey Beans, what's wrong?

The guests are starting to arrive, I don't like this dress - the skirt doesn't fit right!!  And what's with this wand thingy?  I'm going to put someone's eye out with this!!  Please let me change into the dress I picked out!  Quickly!!

ok ok!  Calm down!

Ah, the girls have started to arrive.  Wow - Auk, you sure cleaned up quickly!

Hold on, girls! Don't start with the pillows - something's up.  There's an arch back here!

Shh - wait, wait - Nicole said something about an arch. Surely Beans isn't getting married?

*Bam* Hey Dawn!  Good to see you again.

*Biff*  hey - how'd you know it was me?  Doesn't this mask make my true identity a secret??

oh. Yeah.  Miss, I don't know who you are, but meet my friend, Mr. Pillow! *Pow*

Will, Louis?!  This is supposed to be a formal event, can we please put away the pillows for one night?

Nervous, babe?  Have I told you how beautiful you look?? Now - you're sure you want to do this?

Yes and No.  And not neccessarily in that order... Is everyone here?  Why don't you make the announcement?

Will, are you OK?  You look a little pale.

Yeah, thanks Joe. S'alright if I sit here?  I just can't believe she's getting married.

Ladies and gentlemen, thanking for joining us tonight.  If you could find a seat, Beans & I have a little something we want to take care of before the New Year starts.

I'm going. I'm going!   Oh snap, is that the camera?  Sorry gang!

I love you for making me good and happy and whole, because that is what you do, Beans.
Without a word, without a gesture, without a doubt. Just by being yourself - such a simple thing...
but no one else in the world could do it.

Ramin, I give this ring to you, as a sign of my love.

I love you. Not just for who you are, but for who I am when I'm with you. 
Not for what you've done with your life... but for what you're doing to mine.


She did it!  Props, girl!  Not Me, man -  I'm never getting married!

You know, it's not so bad Birge, you may change your mind someday.  (I got to sit next to Birgitte!)

I can't believe you let Carl sit next to Birgitte, Nicole.  What about the swooning?

hmph - Carl knows better.  Besides, who can take him seriously when he looks like Boy Wonder? :)

Don't they look sweet together - and so happy!  *Grins and claps*

Who's the new date, Suzie?  Mr. Tall, Dashing and Distinguished over there.  Is there a wedding arch in your future?

Ron? Haha - no - you remember Coach Ron, from school?  We've just been hanging out lately.

A toast - to my lovely bride & all of our great friends!  Happy New Year, everyone!  
(admittedly quite belated now!)

And I can't believe they even waited a few minutes to pull out the pillows out again!

Sorry I was so late, Beans.  Don't tell me I missed my chance to kiss the bride....

Eman?!  Cut it out!  I'm a married woman now - this has got to stop!

Yeah! *slaps Eman*  What the heck are you thinking, boy?!

Happy New Year, sweety!  *whew*  I'm exhausted!

Hold on, I've got one more surprise for you...

(ok, so they're not sim fireworks, but have you seen the wussy sparklers they have??!)

So you've been having nightmares, about what?  Ramin?  Maybe you're worried that he's working too hard.

Well, not exactly about, see, I really thought that getting married would end them - you know, that I was just worried about the wedding and stuff.

Beans, they say that intense hormone fluctuations can give you very vivid nightmares, maybe you're pregnant.

Ahh - Nicole!! Don't even say that. Now I am going to have nightmares~!

Snap!  No wonder I'm so tired all the time, I can't shut my eyes without all these images popping up.  I've got to talk to someone!

CeeCee - I don't want to call a doctor, but I need to figure out what's wrong  - You're a Guru, right?  Maybe you can help me get rid of these nightmares.  Would meditation help?

Beans, you're hungry all the time, you can't get enough sleep & it looks like you're stuck in Maxis pj's. It sounds like a classic case of the "bumps".  I'll go pick up an EPT test, we could find out right now...


Aww, a little bump of my own!  This isn't so bad.... I wonder what Ramin will think? 
We're going to have a little Bean...

And across the street, let's see who's next in line to catch  a "bump" or two...

See - wasn't this a great idea to come down & buy you some new clothes?

Whew yeah!!  I just didn't know you were going to .... uh ... help me try them on!  
ohh - There's a new photo booth, we should check that out while we're here...

Don't press your luck, dude.

Congrats Jason - you just maxed your Logic skill.  But what the heck - why aren't you at the telescope, like the rest of the men in town??!

I'm carrying a strong fear of alien probes, TYVM!  I like to meet new people, but just from this planet.

Birgie - you're doing it again, honey.  Were you a streaker in a former life?

Honestly! I'm starving & I'm not going to be bothered to put on a robe in my own house.  It's not like there's anyone else around.

Woot! Another Perma-Plat sim!  WTG Jason!  But, don't you already have a cell phone?  *sheesh*  Why couldn't you roll that when we were shopping?

I was - uh.... a little distracted.

Thanks for coming by Brandon.  I've been feeling a little under the weather lately, so I've missed practice. But I'll be back any day now - just as soon as this swelling goes down.

Birgitte - that is one full blown bump you've caught!


Nooo - what's wrong?  I thought I was just retaining water! A LOT of water.. but -  ooooow!

Take it easy!  Puff & Spin, you'll be OK.  Jason!  Over here, bud!

An what is with these sim men & their swooning whilst their wives are in labor?!! Can't you guys do something useful?  And I don't mean make the bed!  grrr

Ohhh, look!  It is a baby!   And he's so tiny!

But he's cute!  And he looks just like his daddy!  We'll call him Rocky, is that ok with you?

Works for me, hon!  And he does look just like me!

(you both sound so surprised! )

Fortunately, the Mayor's office was on hiatus for a few months, so Jason was able to stay home with little Rocky.  And he wasted no time in using his extra days to make more friends.

Thanks for taking it easy on me CeeCee, I've never played strip chess before.

hehe - I guess leaving you with your boxers on isn't really taking it easy, but it's not a total loss!

And sure enough, before you could say "Yo, Adrian", it was time for Rocky's first birthday.

Which coincided with Birgitte making her 2nd LTW, Hall of Famer.

pssst - C'mere -  Is Jason home?

Not yet Birge - what's wrong?  You look worried.

I've been thinking a lot lately, ya know?  This is all wrong....

Jason, sweetie, we need to  talk.

What's wrong, hon?  I'm sorry I woke you up, are you ok?

Yeah, I'm OK, I guess...  I'm just concerned.  I think, well, I think we need to stop all this fooling around.

uh, fooling around?! I don't know what you're talking about, I mean....

It's ok Jason, I've seen you flirting with the maid.  She's cute, and well, you're a flirt!  And I'm not exactly a shrinking violet myself.  *cough, cough*   But you're the Mayor now, and we've got a child to think of. I don't want to be reading about us in the tabloids, ya know?

Birgitte - do you mean it?  Are you ready to get married?  Just say the word!

nononono.... Don't run up that street!  I'm not ready for that.  I'm just thinking that we should keep our toys to ourselves, if you know what I mean.  If anyone is going to have a Jason Jr., I just want it to be me.  Is that alright?

Of course, there's never really been anyone but you for me.  You know that.

Oh, thank you, Jason - I just love you so much.  I was worried that you'd be mad. (whew, he's not mad!)

No, of course not.  We'll be fine.  (whew, she's not mad!)

Alright, enough of the love fest,  I see a platinum spike in the distance - just over Carl's house.

Sorry, that's just me. I just made Mad Scientist & I'm rather thrilled about it.  Now I can stay home during the day with my boys.  I've almost missed their baby days completely.

You're right Nicole.  In fact, how 'bout you go spin a couple of babies right now?  
First - is that James?

Yes, and then Gordon.  (little show off - I love that Tux!)

And with twins in the house, you can't have just one of anything.  So Carl picked up 2 new potty chairs, and 2 Wascally Wabbits and a couple of smart milk dispensers too.

Can you say Momma?

Momma.  mommamommamomma, why you sitting awound in your bavfing suit?

Yeah!  I think he's got it.

I'm actually looking forward to going to this party tonight, now that you're not a Criminal & I don't have to lie to my friends about what my husband's doing.  And you're sure the sitter will be here?

I feel better about it too.  It's much easier working on the right side of the law around here.  I think there's at least 5 Captain Heroes flying around here these days.  And I'm looking forward to getting out tonight & not having to hear those dang Wabbits!

Ok, two boys, potty time & then mommy & daddy have to go out for a bit.  But nanny will be here to read your bed time stories.

C'mon big guy - walk to Daddy...  That's right!  It's as easy as riding a bike!

Whazza bike?

Mommy?  Don't you have any other clothes?  You make me cold just looking at you.

Shush Gordon!  I'm almost sorry I taught you to talk!  Besides, daddy likes this outfit.

James - a Leo - Neat 5, Outgoing 9, Active 5, Playful 6, Nice 6,  more like Momma.

Gordon - A Taurus -  Neat 5, Outgoing 5, Active 5, Playful 6, Nice 4, just like Daddy.

Imagine how quiet it'll be around here once the boys start school.   You know, it's almost time for another big birthday, maybe we should have a party.

I'm just glad we get to spend more time together again.  I love painting with you.  Hey - you're not doing my Clowns, are you??  That's my signature picture!

*eyeroll*  Note to Carl - you're going to start painting portraites, no more clowns for you my friend!  
There should be one more around here somewhere.  Ah, yes - what was CeeCee  up to the last time we saw her?

Who's daddy's big bruiser??!  *Tim Allenesque grunts*  My Sir Geoffrey!  uhuh! Ceece - do ya think it's too early to play catch with him?

If you're talking about that football you brought home last week, yes, it's too early!   Just bring him out here, I've got the candles lit!

Now, what's my baby going to wish for?  A new potty chair of your very own?  How 'bout a big toy box?

*Wooot!!  Toooot!!*

And spin...

oohh?  What was that?

hmm, something tells me you're not going to be going to work any time soon. *er*

Momma, if I tell you what I wished for, will it still come true?

Of course, sweetheart, you can tell mommy anything.  Did you wish for the big boy potty chair.

No, but it is way cool that I don't wear diapies any more.

Then was it a toy?  Or a tricycle?

Nope.  I wished for a baby brother!  But it's been like forever, and I still don't have one.

Ohh!  Well, I think I'll be able to take care of that for you verrrrry soon. :)

And when I have a baby brother, I'm going to teach him how to throw his bottle really far, and how to not drink from the smelly ones, cause they make you chuck cookies.  And how to make the wabbit's eyes roll sooooo fast!  woowoowooo!

Alon!!  Geoffrey, go get your daddy!  Momma needs a little help here!

Hold that thought CeeCee, we'll just save here, and come back next time to see if Geoffrey gets his wish.

What?!  You're NOT going to leave me here, puffing & pregnant for weeks!  I'm having this baby whether you stick around or not!   You pulled that trick with Auk,  don't think I 'm falling for it.  Watch this!

It doesn't work that way, sweets.  You're at 3 dots... there -  Saved. Say Good night Gracie.

NO!!  *puff, puff, spin*   Ahaa!

What the heck??  *looks around the crowded room*  Alright - who hit my F1 button?!  hmmm?
Now I suppose you're going to want a name too?

I've already got a name,  her name is Gillian.  And she's the prettiest baby girl ever!

And I think Gillian already has her daddy wrapped around her little finger.  
Now, can I please save game & go home?!

I promise, we'll be back later and there will be more babies, more promotions, and probably (thanks Carl!) more clown paintings.  
Thanks for joining us!

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