Friendship (TM7; Chris, JD; G; #161: Friendship)

May 27, 2012 14:20

Working Title: Friendship
Author: Pirate Turner
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven
Characters: Chris, JD
Rating: G
Challenge: #161: Friendship
Date Written: 27 May, 2012
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, none of whom are the author.

His steel, green eyes were full of worry as he stared down at his young friend. JD had fallen asleep on his couch for the first time in years, and Chris knew there was a world of trouble nipping at the Kid's heels. He still didn't know the source of that trouble, but he would find out, he thought determinedly as he draped a blanket over the Kid's too thin body. Friendship meant always having a home and somebody to have your back, and Chris would put an end to his troubles, he swore, as he went to join Vin.

The End

fandom: the magnificent seven, author: orlidepp, rating: g, challenge 161: friendship

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