Challenge #144: Reunion

May 10, 2012 10:53

Title: A Longed for Reunion
Author: ember_reads
Fandom: Hawaii Five-O (1968)/Doctor Who
Prompt: Reunion
Rating: G
Notes: This is the fifth drabble in what is now apparently a series. Please read the other drabbles first in order for this to make sense.  Takes place immediately after Danny's Journey. 
Summary: Pretty much what the title says

Danny rounded the desk overjoyed to see Steve.

He looked careworn. With that thought his step faltered and for the first time Danny was unsure.

Unsure of how long he had been away, unsure of his welcome, uncertain of his place in Steve’s life. Would he be rejected?

Seeing Danny hesitate made Steve’s heartache. Grasping Danny’s shirtsleeve Steve hauled him into his arms.

He just held on until he felt Danny’s arms curve around him.

Then Steve pulled Danny in even tighter and whispered

“Aikane I have missed you.”

With those words, Danny sank into Steve’s embrace, no longer unsure.

author: ember_reads, fandom: doctor who, challenge 144: reunion, rating: g, fandom: hawaii five-o (1968)

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