Working Title: The Greatest Imposition
Author: Pirate Turner
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven
Character: Ezra
Rating: G
Challenge: #149: Imposition
Date Written: 2 March, 2012
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, none of whom are the author.
The possession of a conscience was surely the greatest imposition ever laid upon mankind, Ezra reflected as he sat in the dirt, underneath the hot, desert sun, in chains. He had, yet again, found himself chained to his six coworkers, who he knew secretly were the only real friends he'd ever had.
"We're going to get out of this, brothers," Josiah spoke.
"Of course," Ezra replied smoothly, flashing his gold tooth. "There was never any doubt. Ah just begrude these felons destroying mah finest Sunday suit."
The men smiled. They knew the truth, but also that Ezra would never leave them.
The End