Cats Will Be Cats (Sabrina the Teenage Witch; Salem; G; #148: Cliche)

Feb 22, 2012 23:36

Working Title: Cats Will Be Cats
Author: Pirate Turner
Fandom: Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Characters: Salem, Sabrina
Rating: G
Challenge: #148: Cliche
Date Written: 22 February, 2012
Disclaimer: All characters within and Sabrina the Teenage Witch belong to Disney, Archie Comics, ABC, and any other rightful owners, not the author.

"A yarn ball?" Salem questioned dryly, pointedly looking down his furry, black nose. "You think, young Witch, that you can amuse me with a mere ball of yarn simply because I am a cat? What a droll cliche. I'll have you know I've had entire worlds bend down to amuse me." His long, black tail whisked.

"That's fine." Sabrina shrugged and tossed the yarn ball. "You don't have to play with it, if you don't want to."

"I didn't say that -- "

"I'll just get rid of it." She knocked it away. Salem immediately leapt off the bed and chased after it.

The End

author: orlidepp, rating: g, Challenge 148: Cliché, fandom: sabrina the teenage witch

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