Rare (Once Upon A Time/10th Kingdom; Ruby, Wolf; G; #147: Crossover)

Feb 16, 2012 23:40

Working Title: Rare
Author: Pirate Turner
Fandoms: Once Upon A Time/10th Kingdom
Rating: PG
Challenge: #147: Crossover
Date Written: 16 February, 2012
Disclaimer: All characters belong to their rightful owners, none of whom is the author.

"How would you like your burger, sir?" Ruby gazed into the stranger's hungry eyes. Was it her imagination, or were those primal eyes glowing? She shivered.

"Rare." Ruby started to write his order, but he grabbed her hand. "No, no! Rare implies dangerously cooked. When I say rare, I mean just let it look at the oven in terror, then bring it out to me."

It wasn't her imagination, Ruby realized; this bizarre, but handsome, stranger's eyes really were glowing! "O-Okay," she stammered, heart hammering, then ran away.

Wolf smiled and sat back. He was going to like this town.

The End

fandom: 10th kingdom, challenge 147: crossover, author: orlidepp, rating: pg, fandom: once upon a time

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