Title: Foretold in the Skies
cynthia_harrellFandom: Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Prompt: comet
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spoilers for GX's third season.
People used to think comets told of kings dying. This time, it's going to be true! Jim stared at the armored form of Juudai, Haou, Supreme King. If it meant he could save his friend, then he would kill that monster that pretended to be him. Buried deep under all the layers of darkness there slumped the true Juudai, miserable and hopeless.
I'll set you free, Juudai! He knew he would win. It wouldn't bring back their friends, but at least Juudai would be safe.
By the light of the comet, he would perform a miracle and save his friend.
The End