Challenge 70: B&W

Nov 06, 2010 22:16

Title: Old Old Fashioned
Author: glinda_penguin
Fandom: Pushing Daisies
Prompt: B&W
Rating: PG
Warnings: None

It wasn’t the strangest incident that either the Piemaker or the girl called Chuck had ever encountered, but nonetheless the events that unfolded were unusual to say the least. Even during the saddest times life in ther city, especially its suburb of Coeur de Coeur, seemed to unfold in vivid Technicolor, so when the whole town and its people turned black and white, it did not go unnoticed.

However, as Ned and Chuck searched eagerly for the perpetrator responsible for turning the whole city monochrome, they could not resist recreating some classic Hollywood moments under an umbrella in the rain.

fandom: pushing daisies, rating: pg, author: glinda_penguin, challenge 70: b&w

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