Challenge 36: Gift

Dec 24, 2009 00:53

Title: Playing Games
Author: Hollow Novelist
Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Prompt: gift
Rating: G
Note: Takes place shortly after Sacrifice of Angels.

"This was in the hidden compartment in my desk." Sisko turned the sphere in his hand. "Dukat left it for me. It isn't a bomb. It isn't a bug. Can you tell me what it is?"

"What makes you think to ask me? Plain, simple -"

"Just tell me."

Garak made eye contact - finally - and smiled. "Why, it's a kaurnat ball."


"An old Cardassian game - entirely unlike baseball."


Sisko wondered if the gesture was one of hubris or humility. It would have been meaningless, after all, if . . .

"I know this much about Dukat," added Garak. "He's no kaurnat player."

fandom: star trek: ds9, challenge 36: gift, rating: g, author: hollownovelist

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