Title: Not Again
ember_readsFandom: Hawaii Five-O (1968)/Doctor Who
Prompt: pov
Rating: G
Notes: This is the seventh drabble in what is now apparently a series. Please read the other drabbles first in order for this to make sense. Takes place shortly after Yes. Doctor's pov.
Summary: The Doctor told Danny there were two reasons for taking him along. There was actually one more.
He watched as Danny showed Steve around the console room. Smiling at the way the two were never more then a hand’s breadth away from each other.
The first time he had seen them, he had seen the thread that connected the two of them together. He’s witnessed it before:
David and Jonathan
Alexander and Hephaistion
Doctor and Master
He no longer felt whole, not since the day he held the Master in his arms and watched him die.
He missed his friend.
That was the reason he’d interfered in Danny’s destiny, he couldn’t watch it happen again.
Not again.