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Comments 15

lilmoochie December 26 2008, 23:07:42 UTC
'He was handsome and intelligent, witty, charming, worldly. And she was always just… overlooked. How could she tell him that there were times she simply felt unworthy of him? She’d even once told Lois, that Oliver was out of her league.'
Wow gen, great stuff! Chloe and her fears and even Ollie with his, great portrayal, can't wait for more...


gen717 December 27 2008, 00:06:35 UTC
It's really an irony how each of them has this tiny insecurity over the other. I think it's realistic though for both Ollie and Chloe to have those fears. They have to reveal them to each other though in order for them to be resolved later on.

Thanks so much! I'm still trying to catch up on some of your entries. *hugs*


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gen717 December 27 2008, 00:03:55 UTC
Thanks! Enjoy your vacation, I'm jealous! LOL

These underlying issues will come up again for both of them later in the story, until they are revealed, they won't get resolved.

Yay! For flame-y manips! LOL


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gen717 December 27 2008, 00:09:08 UTC
They needed some loving time, didn't they? They got things straightened out, but there's more problems to come. More soon!


pipersmum December 26 2008, 23:50:25 UTC
Glad Oliver noticed there was something off about Phil. They had the conversation and I think they were honest with each other so they should be able to put this behind them, well until Ollie finds out what Phil is upto (he will won't he?) lol.

The smut was very hot too I loved that the need for each other was too great to move somewhere a little less public ;) Looking forward to reading chapter 4 :)


gen717 December 27 2008, 00:01:45 UTC
They will put this behind them.. kinda. The underlying issues for each of them are still there, and until those are dealt with, there's going to be problems. Oliver's the "bad boy" who doesn't feel worthy of the "good girl's" love, and Chloe's the regular girl next door, who doesn't feel worthy of the dashing billionaire's love. There's a real irony here. But once they realize that they compliment each other and are really made for each other, all of their insecurities will be revealed and dealt with.

Green Arrow and Chloe rooftop sex is so hot.

Thanks so much for reading!


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gen717 December 27 2008, 01:03:26 UTC
Thank you! I hope to have the next chapter up in a couple of days. :)


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