Not sure what to do...

Sep 04, 2016 21:02

Really not sure what to do any more. Life is a bit crazy and its sort of getting to be more than my brain can handle.

Recently found out my mum passed away. We weren't close and there was so much going on when I was growing up that even though I tried, and I know she did in her own way, it just never happened. We were just starting to talk again over the last few years but it was still slow going.

Because of all this hurt and distance I am so confused and lost about my feelings in this matter. I'm crushed and lost but feel strange as well because I feel like I said goodbye to her a long time ago. Either way I am here because she chose to keep me as a teen mom, and for that I am ever grateful. No matter what, she was my mom and did the best she knew how to do. I just wish we'd have had a chance to get to know each other better and that I could have been able to find a way for her to see her great grandchildren.

Other things are just wonky as well. Maybe it's a part of where I am in my life. I guess we'll see as time goes on.


randomness, family

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