I just read that Hey!Say!JUMP member Ryutaro Morimoto was suspended for of all things, smoking. Yes, smoking is illegal for a minor and generally bad for you all around. I know Johnny-san is a stickler for these things too, as well he should be. The thing that always breaks my heart in these cases is that in peoples quest to understand how their "Idol" can do something so... disappointing, they fail to remember one very valuable thing; HE'S HUMAN.
Thats right ladies.. he's just as normal as the next guy. He's got a lot going on.. and to top it all off.. he's a 16 year old boy.. and we all know boys will be.. *gasp* boys...
EDIT: I just found out that this happened well over a year ago, so he was 14 when it happened, but it does not change my mind. He says he did it out of curiosity. Thank you for admitting to your failings honey. It was wrong but you are even more loved for your honesty in the face of all of this... /EDIT
Perhaps it's my age, or being brought up in America, or my casual approach to living and experiencing life.. but there are FAR worse things he COULD have done you guys.. Think about all the 13 yr old Child Stars who end up in Drug Rehab. Think of all the kids who are closet alcoholics.. the ones with extreme disorders, depression, OCD.. Smoking is the least of my concerns and to be quite honest, a common issue that many teens go through.
So for everyone out there who are 'disappointed', 'shocked', 'scandalized', 'heartbroken' over such a horrible thing as smoking, or otherwise downtrodden and in many ways emotionally scolding him for doing something so hideously atrocious.. remember this..behind that Idol smile is a living breathing, tragically adorable, but completely NORMAL teenage boy..
And try to be understanding and supportive. His WHOLE life just got turned upside down because he made a common error in judgement.
I love you kiddo.. and I hope that you won't be made to stay away as long as Uchi was.. Hang in there, and stay positive <333