Stupid habit is stupid!

Dec 25, 2010 21:27

So I realize the utter stupidy in reading things like 'secret' posts. They are so lame most of the time and I often find myself HORRIFIED at what they are saying.

There seems to be a lot of Arashi hate in them too.

I've been a fan of theirs for a little over a year, and while so many say their music now sucks, and that anyone who like it should be getting a check.. I actually LIKE their new music. Its a little more mellow than stuff from even last year, but the truth of the matter is you can be a total fan and not be clueless. I love music.. and I love THEIR music. I also love them. Especially cause they are so seemingly, normal...

Girls who say they've had sex with them, that Neen is a douche, that Sho is stuck up..or that Aiba is an idiot.. I just don't get it. First impressions are often the ones that stick with us, but I also know from experience that unless circumstances are PERFECT, we could get the wrong impression. So to meet someone say, at a party, have them be standoffish or distant, then tell they world they are an inconsiderate ass is a little irresponsible I think. Again.. it's just MY OPINION. I for one will love them.. for who they were, who they are and who they are yet to become.


Because I can...

Everyone is on a journey. If I get to meet them, and it turns out Aiba really IS into chubby foriegn girls.. score for me. However, I'm not going to assume that statement is true just cause some girl said she tapped it and he liked her being fluffy...if I meet them and find that as people, they really aren't very nice, well, that doesn't really change the fact that through their body of work, they have helped me on MY journey. I will forever be grateful to them for the part they have played in my life. I will feel that way for the rest of my life.

I neither think them fake, nor the douche-y asses some have said most of them are. But I believe them to be perfectly imperfect. The fact they have flaws makes them more human. And easier to love. For me...

So those of you out there who hate on them.. go ahead. I won't give you any grief in all honesty. But don't think me stupid, immature or blind for loving them. I am smart enough to appreciate when something good has been brought into my life, and you telling me how crappy they are isn't going to change that for me :)

And YES, I love Neen singing.. more than most would believe.. and I HATE vibratto in voices normally.

...私は嵐大好き <3


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