Rec: Get Loved, Make More, Try to Stay Alive

Jan 28, 2012 10:20

Okay, so I'm a bit late to the party on this story. Maybe close to 3 or 4 years late, actually. And it's a completely new fandom that I've never read in before. But that does not stop this story from being one of the most compelling, original, creative, heart-breaking kid!fic/mpreg stories around.

For those of you wondering what story I'm talking about, it's Get Loved, Make More, Try to Stay Alive by dsudis. It's a Torchwood story (first one I've read, I think! Maybe second...) about Ianto Jones and Jack Harkness. If you haven't watched Torchwood in awhile, it's okay. The only things you really need to know, in order to understand this story, is that Jack used to be a time agent, and Martha Jones used to be a companion of the doctor.

The official summary is this:
"When we don't die young and violently, we die weird. Well, or all three, case in point." and the author very clearly notes that there is less then 19% mpreg by volume.

Because, yes, it is a long fic. This is me, do I read anything else really?

GO READ THIS. Be prepared to cry. Be prepared to cry A LOT. In fact, if you're like me and you like to save your angsty fics for days when you know you need a good cry, well--this is one of the stories to save. Because, just--my shirt is LITERALLY wet because I wiped my eyes with it far too many times. But they were good tears, happy tears; this story is worth every one of them. So just, go. Read. Have a good Saturday.
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