Saturday night Risa brought a bunch of Japanese food to the dorm and we had a mini feast! We had Oden (YUM!), karage (kind of fried chicken), sticky rice (with nori, of course), this spicy japanese tofu/curry stuff, and for desert we had Mochi in hot sweet-bean soup stuff. Oishii!!!!! Mochi is pretty chewy though... sticky and chewy...
So I pretty much forgot about it being halloween. But then i remembered when I saw a girl walking around campus dressed as a hamburger, one dressed kind of like a cat, and another walking around like a gypsy/pirate (I smiled because our costumes totally kicked hers).
So that night before going to work I invaded my suitemate's room and we became T-shirt ninjas! I was impressed to discover that a T-shirt can actually be made into a ninja mask :D I also voted by absentee ballot last week.
McCain all the way.