Oct 29, 2002 21:39
I just realised I haven't updated in ages. Don't really have time to know but in the interests of all that is fair and just here I am. Many many things have happened since I last said anything. All of which I've now forgotten.
Duke of Edinburgh happened. You probably already read all about it already. It is the most full description I can offer you seeing as I have already blocked all the unpleasantness out. That was most of it. Apart from the cooking in a ditch by a ruined cottage episode and the end. The end was the best. I am very proud we all got through it. I was ready to give up on the first night.
I've been really busy, school work and the like. I hate it when things seem to be ticking over nicely but then everything just arrives at once. Yuk. The essay in at the end of the week syndrome. Tis only cured with much computer abuse and coffee.
I'm almost 18 and still feel like a small child. Just very ignorant sometimes. Looking forward to it. In a kind of nervous way. Ready to be surprised. Have been practicing. Hope there are people there to surprise me. Hope they invited everyone I hope is there.
Anyway, more things have happened but I've just forgotten all of them. Sorry. Will try to improve memory and journal-keeping skills in future.
bye *waves*