The Long, Winding Road Home

Mar 27, 2005 03:25

Continued from hereEven though we've been walking without speaking for several minutes, the warmth of Wesley's hand holding mine is comforting, something that seems tangible after all the craziness we've been through in the last day...week...month...year. Years, even. At least there's something a bit normal in my life again ( Read more... )

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_hot_wesley_ April 17 2005, 23:50:24 UTC
I'm not certain how long I sleep, but when I awaken, the sun is higher in the sky which makes me assume that it was a good two hours or two. Fred is still resting peacefully in my arms, but a thought occurs to me and I realize that she and I have yet to eat breakfast. We were, of course, prepared to dine with my brother and Faith, but due to what happened in the parking lot, we thought it better to leave them be. Now, I'm rather hungry, and I'd bet Fred is as well.

Gently exstracting myself from her embrace, I quickly search for my jeans but then recall how they got soaked, so, instead, I look for something, anything, to put on. Then, I spot - of all things - Fred's robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door. Desperate times call for desperate measures. "Blast," I mumble as I attempt to thread my arms into the fuzzy material. "But of course it's covered in little cows and pigs. Bloody hell." Eventually, after much finagelling, I'm in the robe; despite the fact that it reaches somewhere close to my knees, it'll do for now. I pull the sides together as far as I can, taking a peek at Fred to ensure she's still sleeping, and then heading for the kitchen.

Finding a packet of flapjack mix, I find the necessary ingredients to make her breakfast. Hopefully, my jeans will be dry before she gets up.


sciencegrl_fred April 18 2005, 17:05:53 UTC
I'm not sure when exactly I fell asleep again, but this time, I didn't have any memorable dreams.

When I woke up, however, I put my hand out to find that Wesley wasn't there. The other side of the bed was still warm, so he hasn't been gone for long. Sitting up, I look around, pushing my hair out of my face. The sun is still out and streaming in through the windows - it looks like the prettiest day I've seen in a while, especially since we've been stuck in the office every afternoon recently.

I smell cooking coming from the kitchen and smile. Is he cooking for us? Throwing back the cover, I slip out of bed and grab one of my oversized nightshirts from my chest of drawers, throwing it on before padding down the hall to the kitchen. I stop just inside, seeing Wesley standing over the stove with a spatula in his hand, making pancakes...

And wearing my robe.

He's wearing my robe with the cows and pigs on it that Mom gave me and keeps having to hitch it closed because it's definitely not big enough for him even though it's rather big on me. It's so adorable - so much so that I feel myself grinning widely, and then when he tugs on the edges to keep it from riding up over his behind, the grin quickly turns into giggles.

"Guess I didn't think about the clothes situation when I pulled you into the tub, huh?"

Oh...but he's so cute. And he's mine.


_hot_wesley_ April 22 2005, 17:00:30 UTC
I grin to myself when I hear Fred enter the kitchen. I'm sure I must look quite silly in her robe, if her giggles are anything to go by.

"Guess I didn't think about the clothes situation when I pulled you into the tub, huh?"

Feigning hurt, I reply, "You mean, you don't like my outfit? And here I thought it was rather becoming." Placing the warm pancakes onto a dish, I move over to the table, pulling out a chair for her to sit in. The pancakes join the fresh fruit, margarine, syrup, and orange juice already set out.

"Breafast is served, my lady."


sciencegrl_fred April 22 2005, 17:57:19 UTC
"Breakfast is served, my lady."

"Why thank you, gentle sir," I say as I sit down and look at the food that he's prepared. "This all looks amazing, Wesley." Picking up a piece of fruit, I pop it in my mouth and gaze over at him as he sits down across from me.

The robe is falling open, showing his chest. I swallow the piece of fruit, just watching him as he serves several of the pancakes onto my plate. I think I'm going to have to make it a rule that he wears that whenever he's here because dear god, my man is so pretty half-naked, even when he's covered in pigs and cows. I'm also thinking how much fun it would be to take that robe off him. Right here. On the table.

Suddenly, I realize that he's waiting for me to taste the breakfast he's made. Pushing my naughty thoughts aside, I put some margarine and syrup on the pancakes and then pick up my fork and take a bite.

"Mmmmm," I tell him a smile. "Good."

Cutting off another portion, I spear it with my fork and hold it out to him.


_hot_wesley_ May 1 2005, 00:23:14 UTC
I'm quite pleased when she approves of the food. I am, however, taken off-guard as Fred offers some of the breakfast I've prepared by holding out a forkful to me. I've not experienced with this kind of relationship, because my meals with Virgina usually entailed going out to a five-star resturant with an entourage of admirers staring at us. Not much room to feed each other in that situation, now is there?

Accepting the portion, I grin, taking the doughy goodness into my mouth. I did a rather good job too. I'll just disregard the memory of a certain morning when a certain woman named Cordelia Chase told me I was 'too British to do pancakes right'. Bugger that. Evidence speaks to the contrary, if Fred's happy face is any indication.

"Very good, indeed," I say in agreement, kissing her on the forehead. Now that I have the food done, some coffee should suffice as a substitution for my morning tea. Motioning to the cabinets, she nods her head while stuffing her face.

That's my girl.

I scan the shelves and to my utter amazement, I find English breakfast tea. What on earth is Fred doing with this, I wonder. No matter, it's tea, and tea is exactly what I desire. Turning around to address my eating companion I ask, "Fred, darling? What precisely are you doing with this is your kitchen? Are you having a hot affair with another Englishman behind my back?" I quirk my brow at her, shaking the tea leaves into a mug while the water is boiling.

I wish more mornings could start like this.


sciencegrl_fred May 1 2005, 00:51:29 UTC
"Fred, darling? What precisely are you doing with this is your kitchen? Are you having a hot affair with another Englishman behind my back?"

I try not to choke on my last bite of pancake as I hold back a snort of laughter. Just for that... "Why, yes, in fact. I have this young British gentleman around to service me once a week, and he happens to like that brand of tea." I can't hold back my laughter anymore and crumple my napkin to toss at him. "I bought it for you, silly. I...I kinda...raided your cupboard at work to see what kind of tea you liked and bought it when I went shopping yesterday before I came into work. Was hoping you'd be staying over soon at all."

I suddenly realized that I'm blushing like crazy. Don't know why - I'm not the one standing in the middle of the kitchen wearing pigs and cows! Putting my fork down, I get up and walk over to him just as the tea kettle starts to whistle.

"After all, there's only one Englishman I want to have a hot affair with, you know."


_hot_wesley_ May 11 2005, 01:09:01 UTC
"Why, yes, in fact. I have this young British gentleman around to service me once a week, and he happens to like that brand of tea."

I furrow my brow at her reply, until I realize that she's joking...and throwing her napkin at me. Which, I might add, I catch in my hand without blinking. Just because she caught me off guard doesn't mean I'm not alert enough to react to a projectile coming my way.

"I bought it for you, silly. I...I kinda...raided your cupboard at work to see what kind of tea you liked and bought it when I went shopping yesterday before I came into work. Was hoping you'd be staying over soon at all."

"Well then, that's a completely different matter, entirely. And I suppose I should thank you for thinking so far in advance," I say, retrieving the kettle from the stove, trying desperately to cover up my horrible attempt at humor.

"After all, there's only one Englishman I want to have a hot affair with, you know."

That makes the kettle freeze in mid-pour. I glance over at her a few feet away, moving to my side, a rosy blush pinking her cheeks. Quickly, I finish the tea, stirring it together, before locking eyes with my beautiful Fred.

"Good, because there's only one lovely lady from Texas that I want to be with," I say back, closing the distance between us to give her a sweet kiss.


sciencegrl_fred May 11 2005, 19:05:30 UTC
"Good, because there's only one lovely lady from Texas that I want to be with."

I smile into the kiss and run my hand up his collarbone to wrap around his neck, closing the distance between us. The tea is balanced precariously in his hand by this point, so I take the cup from him and put it down on the counter before wrapping my other arm around him and kissing him deeper.

The robe feels all fuzzy under my fingers, and all I want to do at the moment is push it off him. Push it off him and push him down on the table and climb on top of him.

When the heck did I get to be so horny?

I finally get up the will power to break the kiss and pull away, looking into his eyes, my fingers trailing over the robe lapels to his chest.

"Your tea's gonna get cold," I whisper.


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