I love PBS....
I hope its something we can keep around, as a country, for as long as television lasts.
Right now Im watching the "Liberal Slant" that PBS apparently follows. *rolls eyes*
....because Im watching a modern look at the Pro-Life movement.
This is pro-pro-life... or at least non-committal pro-life view...
My blood is boiling listening to people who really believe every pregnancy SHOULD LEGALLY go through to birth.
I can understand the concept they are fighting for.... but I still hate it.
The Pro-Life movement might actually have some success if their arguments relied less on religious judgment and fake science...
The new argument circles around the idea that women who have abortions have a high chance of depression, suicide attempts, alcohol and drug abuse and are more likely to need psychiatric help years after the abortion...
Saying that 10-20% report depression after abortions...
I have two arguments against this.
I say it may be a perfectly viable statistic.
I would/may be depressed after having an abortion, too.
Its a big decision, its an extremely hard emotional decision, its a decision noone is happy or even comfortable making. Of course there is going to be a high rate of depression after such a decision. ESPECIALLY for women who are in especially difficult situations before AND after the abortion (poverty, weak relationship, cases of rape or molestation). There is also a high rate of depression and abuse after large financial changes like house buying/selling, stock market sways or
job loss.
Is job loss going to be illegal because it causes an ill emotional/mental effect on people?
Also, here are
2003 statistics (scroll halfway down) for postpartem depression, which is significantly higher than the statistics regarding depression after abortion. It sure sounds like HAVING a baby may have more adverse mental/emotional effects than choosing not to.
But that doesn't mean we need laws to make it illegal to have babies, now, does it?
ANY choices we make about our body, about our life, about our future which are as drastic as choosing to continue a pregnancy or not... is likely to have a high rate of ill emotional/mental and health effects... thats how stress effects our bodies for gods sakes.
I think how I feel about control of pregnancy and birth seems to circle back around to how women are treated in our society and others...
Women as chattel. Women as objects. And women BUYING the line that we should feel EMPOWERED by it.
If we wear a bikini and can make a few bucks doing nothing more than walking around in high heels with a string of fake pearls up her ass, her sexuality tips the scale, it makes HER the powerful one...
Sure, getting paid to do that is easy, why not.... but she's probably being paid by a guy, a guy who figures he half owns the bitch. Sure its just a job, but she needs it, right?
Men feeling its perfectly ok to whip out their camera phones at the beach or mall and take pictures of women they see to show their friends later. People feeling its ok to touch or talk to women in ways and in circumstances they would NEVER talk to or touch a guy. Both men and women do this to women...
Just like both men and women are fighting the fight to remove her choice to not keep an unwanted pregnancy.
Ya know what? I am careful with my partners. I practice safe sex. I am on birth control. Why should I HAVE to keep a pregnancy that it totally accidental and unwanted, proven by the fact that I have been taking hormone therapy for years along with prophylactics.... is it just my special burden from God for having premarital sex and so I lose my choice in the matter?
What about married couples who still don't want children yet or at all? O well, they are ignoring God's Law to be fruitful and multiply, the deserve it. Maybe they'll want it after they have it.
I am aghast to believe that people actually want to make this very personal, very emotional, very PHYSICAL decision for me based mainly on religious doctrine.
Find another argument, maybe then I'll listen.
O, and again,.. no fake science either, if my mind is going to be changed.
I was watching the Speed Channel at the bar...
No sound...
It was some skin show... interviews with Girls in Bikinis.
Those girls hired at car shows and racetracks to wear two-sizes too-small thong bikinis and acryllic high heels. Their job? Look sexy. Let guys put their arms around them so they can have pictures of "This hot chick let me touch her". Walk with a hip sway so 15 yr olds can take pictures of their tits and ass with their camera phones. To giggle when every guy says, "Do you come with the car?" when they enter to win the 2008 Mustang she's leaning against.
They interview her,.. of course I couldn't hear the words. Maybe she was talking about astro-physics or economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa.... but the giggling, looking out from under her lashes and playing with her bikini top like she's not listening seems to negate that possibility.
I stared. I was confused. Unsure whether I was feeling disgust or anger...
Saw a video from break.com on breaktv....
I went to search the video... so
here it is Its a dog humping a chick in bed... the boyfriend is like, 'Woah! Lookit him! He's going at it! Go, dog, go!" the girlfriend first thinks its funny then tries to push the dog off. The boyfriend tells her to let the dog do what it wants. 'Lookit him thrust! That dog's got skills!"
Girlfriend gives up and just ends up hiding under blanket as the dog goes at it.
I was fucking weirded out by this... maybe it was my accidental exposure to bestiality videos when I was 16 or so.... but I just couldn't understand why a guy would be so excited to have his dog humping his girlfriend in bed... and of course, giving reviews of the dog's performance on top of it.
I think Im just going to be forever confused by humanity until they start acting like ACTUAL human beings.