Nov 10, 2006 22:36
I got my inhalor refill and casually asked how much it was going to cost for my Advair..
Advair is currently the cheapest combonation medication on the market that best relieves my asthma symptoms..
On my sliding scale Rx,.. its ONLY going to cost me $104/mo.
Sure, cheaper than $175, or $220, or $315 which are the costs of the other medication options that work for me,.. but still... more expensive than my car insurance.
Now, here is the question... would I rather pay $15/mo and have constant asthma attacks but be able to "control" them with a rescue inhalor...
Or pay $104/mo plus the cost of a new albuterol inhalor every month or two.. to live ALMOST symptom free?
Steve pointed out that Im always sick... and thats pretty much true. I get sick 3-4 tmes a year.. usually lasting at least a month per occurance... ick.
Stupid sucky body full of lazy sub-par genetic material!