Nov 08, 2006 00:55
Just got myself back from Gwar!
But firstly, I went to work, I voted, I went back to work, and I worked at work.
But then, then I went to GWAR!
I met up with Jesse (Rashonda's Jesse) and found a good spot for watching.
The opening act was ok,... better than most heavy metal opening acts you're gonna run across. Municipal Waste.
But, as with MOST concerts, no matter how much you enjoy the openers, once the headliner comes on, you KNOW WHY they are the headliners.
I was enjoying Municipal Waste, but then it was GWAR and as God said, "And it was good."
It was everything I expected and more. As soon as the opening smoke cleared, there was a headless corpse spraying blood on everyone jumping around on stage.
Awesome. And it only got better.
Well,.. the two faced Hitler/Jesus fellow who masturbated on the crowd with a giant green-goo filled dildo was strange,.. but hey, I still tried to take pictures.
Pretty much it was Gwar "The Number One Band in Hell" running around hell killing effigies of dirty cops, George W Bush, Hilter, Gwar's Number One Fan, Pope Benedict, and Lucifer himself..
All while spraying green, red and purple goo on everyone. When G W Bush came out and got the top of his skull hacked off with a giant blow-up battle-axe, he sprayed the crowd with blood and brains and obviously they put alot of care and detail into their props because Bush Jr had a pile of shit for brains.
No real cum, fecal matter, blood, or urine were used, of course... but hey, fun is fun!
The costumes and makeup for the band were AMAZING!! The lead singer probably underwent 2 hours of makeup to get into his mask.. a fully articulated latex devil/squid/goat thing of WOW!
The band wore leather thongs and danced around with their bare asses shown off... which was hilarious AND arousing.. as most naked/half-naked men are.
I got a few ok pictures,... but its hard to get pictures of giant hell beasts with explosive light shows in a dark room from a-ways away with a digital camera...
Im going to Reel Big Fish tomorrow, so Ill probably post pics of both tomorrow.
Jesse (Rashonda's Jesse, remember?) went into the pit and came back soaked with purple juices. Most likely thanks to the Juice Bazooka they brought out for the finale. hehe.
Also, it may not be ladylike or girlfriendlike to mention that one of the band's slaves was disgustingly exceedingly hot and made me alittle sick to my stomach with pure lust.
Sorry, but its true. Which is why I was so frustrated to come home and.. what? No Jesse! He's at WORK! What the hell is up with that? Work? Bah.
Im watching a documentary about Sex in WWII,.. and uh,.. its weird.
Did you know that the U.S. Army hired women and girls as prostitutes for its troops? Creepy. In fact that wrangled native women in West Africa into brothel compounds to cut down on transfer of VD to the soldiers, and the women were "inspected" personally by the officers weekly. Doctors should be doing that? Nurses? NAH. Officers are good enough, right? Yeah. Totally.
Hearing the stories of all these GI's excitement about prostitutes across Europe is.. weird.