Courtesy of Carissa,...
(I dont know whether this has been shared before)
While working for AOL, there was this skinny-ass black gangsta-guy who had a gold grill, wore Adidas workout suits, and basically went around acting like a badass,.. which might have worked, except for the fact that he only had one arm. The other arm was either disfigured or amputated above the elbow.
One day he started talking to me and decided that hitting on me would be just what the doctor ordered. Once he stopped me for convo by tapping me on the shoulder with his stump while I was on the phone (on the work-phone, being as how I worked at AOL doing billing assistance) and I sorta yelped.. and then he proceeded to ask me out while sorta caressing me with his arm-stump.
He didnt try to touch me with his hands except to shake hands goodbye,.. it was all stump-action and totally weirded me out because one day he never talked to me, suddenly he was touching me softly and sweetly with a gimpy upperarm like we were close.
Of course after relaying this uncomfortable story to my friends, they started the joke of bending up their arms and caressing my face, shoulders and chest with their elbows and saying, "STUMPY LOVES YOU!!!"
Yeah, sure its mean,.. but admit it! You'd be weirded out, too!
End Personal Story.
Apparently Carissa enjoyed taking this disembodied deer leg from her brothers hunting trip and caressing them lovingly with it in memory of stumpy loving me so much so long ago.
Which reminds me,... I wonder if I have a picture of Stubby the Bunny,... he was the 3-legged rabbit I had growing up,.....