Jul 28, 2006 22:14
I was very frustrated this morning. Laying around, praying for sleep to come and dreading your alarm clock for 3 HOURS is VERY unpleasant.
Then I worked a 10 hr day because there was noone scheduled to work the later shift,.. so D, J and I worked the whole day.
D is this tiny little Laotion guy,.. apparently right before I showed up a tweaked-out transvestite prostitute wanted to give him a "good time" in the parkinglot and wouldn't take no for an answer. Don therefore was the butt of all teasing today.
Guys are fucking stupid. Of course, the first 25 words out his mouth are slurs, expletives and general shit-talk... which of course then he remembered that he was being a fucking asshole homophobe.. and said things that everyone caught saying racist/homophobic/sexist/etc says, "O, I dont have a problem with [insert minority here], in fact I have a friend/cousin who is [insert minority here]!"
D was all pissed because the cracked-out tranny prostitute wouldn't take, "No! Im married!" for an answer at 9am. I told him welcome to the life of every female and being hit on by creepies asking for sex who just CAN'T understand why you don't want their canker-sore covered mouth ANYWHERE NEAR YOU OR YOUR GENITALIA!
So, I worked 10 hours. I took my lunch, but I dont take my paid breaks. It seems kinda pointless to. And 10 hours at this job is less stressful than 5 hours working Retention at PB... so, I dont mind all that much.
I cashed my check, bought some pizza and Nyquil and have quite a fun night planned. Pizza. NyQuil. Mmmmm
Some girl talked to me at the bus stop NONSTOP for like 20 minutes.. and then another 15 minutes ON the bus. I learned about her car, her boyfriend, her ex-boyfriend, her sister, her dad, her job,... ick. No because I asked. She just volunteered the information.
Home. Tired. Bed very soon... already. Another 4 days.
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