Im stealing time on Jesse's REAL compy... none of that laptop crap for me! I want the real deal!...
With keys.. that do what they're supposed.. and not, you know, what they're not supposed to.
Best post I saw today:
antorris 05:51 pm - I figured you all would sympathize with this...
I'm in college, and just started working for the campus's costume shop - yay!
The costume room is 20-years worth of costumes all jumbled together. So recently, we've started to reorganize and go through the costumes, setting the really horrendous ones aside for "Halloween Costume Sales" and the like.
Yesterday, while putting up new blinds in the back room, I spotted a box that I cannot bring myself to look into. It's label reads:
Sequined Codpieces
I dare you not to giggle.
Was it today, or yesterday that we had a stranger interlude in training and spent 30 minutes talking about vasectomies and circumcisions? I dont know. Im pretty sure today contained the conversation where I was talking about the four men I've met, who, for whatever reason, when I first FIRST saw them, I was like,.. "Ahh, HELL NO! I AINT NEVER EVER GONNA SLEEP WITH YOU!!"... and no matter how smart, funny, caring, etc etc etc.. I was never able to change my mind about my total and complete 100% unwillingness to ever engage in anything even moderately sexual with them. Ahh, training. How I will miss it. No more getting to hear stories from the former stripper or the ex-slut/now soccer-mom... alas.
People at work laugh alot at my stories.... the poor bastards.
Single guys are funny. First.. they do their damndest to make themselves look like a decent guy for as long as possible... then they ruin it all by saying something desperate or slightly assholeish... then they catch themselves being stupid in front of girls, even girls they have no chance with, and they try to rectify the situation. "I swear, Im not really as disgusting as I sound...." or "Please, dont get me wrong, Im really not that desperate....." and its just so damned cute... guys trying so hard to be "honorable" and... junk.. sorta... in front of the womenfolk. They think that we've never heard that under the breath subconciously uttered comment about the newly developed 15 yr old girl or been a witness to the Good Guy falling into bed with the Dirty Crazy Skank after a night at the bar...
Silly guys... thinking that I start out having any respect for them or care about their positive merits... so naieve. Thinking that I listen when they blab on and on about their children or their charity work for the homeless...
Actually, several people have recently commented on me being funny and fun to talk too... I think they're all drunk. Maybe they all have Flexeril and aren't sharing.. the fucking bitches.
I've been typing awhile now.. Im kinda bored. Wonder if Jesse is done helping Tony with homework, yet....
Maybe I can nap... it is bedtime for me...
I made a super-neato-awesome compact decoupage thingy- for my Desogen... because I felt that Jesus' portrait on my contraceptives was funny... but, then I dropped it and hair stuck to the fresh paint. Ruined! RUINED!! Just like my purity.
I just want to expound and explore the joys of Desogen. Desogen is the Gipper to my football team of love and uterine health.
Anyways,.. moving on.
I had pretty much EVERY bad reaction/side effect to the Ortho lines of 21 and 28 cycle birth control pills, mentioned on the box. Moodswings, cramps, nausea, breast tenderness (OW!), heavy bleeding, severely decreased libido, headaches,... yeah. Lots of unhappiness. And I tried 3 month cycles of all the Orthos out there.. because that is what modern doctors hand ya when you get out of the stirrups now. ORTHO! Ortho Lo, Orthocyclen, Orthotricyclen.. and yeah.. there are like 2 or 3 others. Anyways,... I asked for Seasonale.. because, well, periods piss me off. Stupid "menses"... damned Eve and her "Original Sin".
Well, Planned Parenthood didn't cover it, but they offered this crap called "Desogen". *Cue holy choir* which they said could work the same way... skip the placebos 2 out of every 3 months. The cycled pills dont offer the ability to skip scheduled periods because they take you through a pregnancy "cycle" 3 leveled and varied doses of progesterone,... Desogen, like Seasonale, is not cycled. Each pill has the same amount of active ingredient as the weeks prior and after.. so you can time your periods whenever you want.. but at LEAST a quarterly menses is recommended.
So yeah... 6 months later... and I am the happiest camper ever. I tell EVERYONE that I love the shite. No mood swings, my period is short and light, my cramps are minimal, no headaches, no nausea, I only have my Visit From Aunt Dot every 3 months, no breast tenderness, no swings in libido...
So, girlies... do some research if you have issues with your current birth control pill... because I am in love with this tiny white pill that keeps babies from burrowing in my soft uterine lining and bursting from my nether-regions months later.
Although if you have a naturally low libido... you might want to watch it. Cause mine took a big cut.. but honestly, that was probably a good thing.
Sorry. *waves to Mommala* *waves to Sharon*