I've been pricing out the cost of "restoring" my smile since losing a porcelain bridge in the front of my mouth about 3 weeks ago while eating out.
Of my 6 top front teeth that leaves me two capped remainders.
My smile has been temporarily supported since 2019 with partial dentures to hide my losses (and shames) while I do a couple things:
- Defeat my extreme anxiety around dental work
- Defeat a decades-old and bone infection that invaded my upper jaw with ZERO help from a string of disinterested dentists
- Elevate and maintain a new kind of dental hygiene far above what I was ever taught to do by ANYONE in my life, EVER.
- Save for permanent restorative dentistry I will need which is about equal to the cost of a down payment for a house
"The time has come", the Surgeon said, "to talk of many things. Of teeth! And tusks! And fangs that hang! Of damages and dings! And how to pay for this onslaught, and whether you'll ever sing!"
I've spent a lot of time working to better myself while also accepting myself as I am.
This is a lifelong dissonant feeling that I've explicitly struggled with for as long as I can remember. The hopelessness of bailing water ALL THE TIME just to stay afloat while everyone else seems to sail by dry and so easy.
[More Down Below!] And working double-time at not being mad at them or at myself for being born into a desperately sinking ship.
Learning to be grateful and happy with my one-and-only leaky boat despite the roiling in my bilge about it feeling so unfair but knowing for sure - That's Just Life.
Take it and lump it or leave it.
I've been doing this since I started making memories. Always half-dying over SOMETHING.
But it started long even before that.
Born in a body meant to die I've survived somehow (thanks, Modern Medical Science!) but there are prices to pay to stay alive, that I started accruing earlier than most.
Maybe that's why I always got along with old people?
What did 8 year old me and my 85 year old neighbor Mina have in common to talk about? Answer: Rheumatoid Arthritis.
We could complain about the side-effects of high-dose steroid treatments together! Or what COPD feels like!
FINALLY! Someone who UNDERSTANDS my daily life!
I've come to the point in my mouth where I am agreeing to have good teeth pulled to make way for pretty, permanent fake teeth installed to stretch across my checkerboard smile all in one-go.
And I am agreeing to pay 50% of my gross annual wages for it (thanks, Dental Insurance)
Good thing I've been saving, eh?
Good thing I have insurance now, eh?
Good thing I've been bailing water for so long, I can deftly cry and cry and cry while I do it, eh? Aye, aye!
My tears only add an occasional extra bucketload to a long day, and the relief is real to let my soul have it's wet say in the hard matters.
Anyways, tomorrow is the **easy** day. Only a couple thousand dollars, and one big scar in my mouth to heal up.
I'm taking two weeks off work to just... heal and cry, essentially.
It's really a boon to have found an accounting error not too long ago that was shorting me paid vacation hours.
That error has been corrected, just in time for me to take this non-rollover paid time off that expires in two weeks (guilt-free!!) to heal and cry EVEN IF I don't have two full weeks of healing + crying to do.
The **next** appointments in a handful of weeks will be a bigger surgery where I will pay for them to chip out the checkerboard into one big hole and I will learn to talk around one new large denture. And I will pay and I will pay and I will pay (and heal and cry) and then IF ALL GOES WELL sometime in a few months the professionals will screw in a brand-new scientifically-designed smile right across the middle of my face.
I did something like this once before, actually. About $15,000 in early-aughts money was spent to cover my first front gap, straighten my smile, and remove the devastated abbeys which had been poisoning my lower jaw, and suppressing my immune system for almost a decade by then. I was only in my early 20s, and they could cement in (and over) my holes, rather than screw in replacements.
And here comes another projected $15,000, or so out-of-pocket with insurance kicking in the rest.
Sailor has never once balked or argued, never blamed or resented me somehow.
I don't know how.
I think he's magic.
Is this the time that I point out I'm STILL waiting for treatment for a polyp that often blocks my right nostril? It's only the 8th month it's been like this.
So... right now? Physically, emotionally, mentally... I'm busy bailing but I am somehow still afloat.
Thanks, Body. Thanks, Me. Thanks, Sailor. Thanks, Insurance. Thanks, Paid Time Off. Thanks, Dr. Collins.