SUNDAY: The string of poems from my poetry game last fall will be posted under my (vague) filter shortly.
Main Entry: hone
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): honed; hon·ing
Date: 1798
1 : to sharpen or smooth with a whetstone
2 : to make more acute, intense, or effective : whet [helped her hone her comic timing - Patricia Bosworth]
- hon·er noun
Main Entry: frumpy
Pronunciation: \ˈfrəm-pē\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): frump·i·er; frump·i·est
Date: circa 1840
: dowdy, drab
Main Entry: dowdy
Pronunciation: \ˈdau̇-dē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural dowd·ies
Etymology: diminutive of dowd dowdy, from Middle English doude
Date: 1581
archaic : a dowdy woman
Main Entry: drab
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): drab·ber; drab·best
Date: 1686
1 a: of the dull brown color of drab b: of the color drab
2: characterized by dullness and monotony : cheerless [a drab life]
- drab·ly adverb
- drab·ness noun
How you do something is how you do everything. ~ Anonymous
Think about it. It's very true.