Word of the day: putrid (adjective)

Jan 29, 2008 11:02

TUESDAY: The word comes from Dilbert's comic strip of the day. I obviously didn't know what it meant, so here it is, for you.


Main Entry: pu·trid
Pronunciation: ˈpyü-trəd
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin putridus, from putrēre to be rotten, from puter, putris rotten; akin to Latin putēre to stink - more at foul
Date: 1542

1 a: being in a state of putrefaction : rotten b: of, relating to, or characteristic of putrefaction : foul [a putrid="putrid" odor="odor"]
2 a: morally corrupt b: totally objectionable

synonyms see malodorous

Edit at 15:33 because wesa and I didn't know how to spell the following word (Another edit on 02.10.08 at 01:45 - I guess its bluevangogh who didn't know):


Main Entry: on·o·mato·poe·ia
Pronunciation: \ˌä-nə-ˌmä-tə-ˈpē-ə, -ˌma-\
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin, from Greek onomatopoiia, from onomat-, onoma name + poiein to make - more at poet
Date: circa 1577

1 : the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss)
2 : the use of words whose sound suggests the sense

word of the day, pictures, comics, lj references

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