MODS: Last sale was more than two weeks ago.
All forms of paypal accepted (Please let me know if you need to pay with CC paypal as I will have to invoice you from my business account). Shipping in bubble mailers with delivery confirmation is only $2 for the first item and only $0.50 more for each additional item (unless noted as free). United States only (no exceptions, sorry!). I will email each of you personally with your dc number as soon as your item ships (normally within 24 hours of payment). Please pay promptly. Thanks, Jayme
P.S. I will consider swaps so you can check out my wish list if you would like. Feel free to make offers if you don't think my prices are reasonable.
Feedback - MUA: geminitwin_sd (138 positives, 0 neg/neut), Ebay: jaygirl5
Out to Shock, LE, used 2x, $12 SOLD
Coral Co-oordinate, LE (B2M), used 4x, $9 SOLD
Bronzibar Chromeglass, LE, used 2x, $9 SOLD
Fusion Gold Metal-X Eyeshadow, LE, used 3-4x, $13 SOLD
Plum Electric Metal-X Eyeshhadow, LE, used 1x, $15 SOLD
Or, take both for $28 shipped w/DC
Next to Nothing (depot from Smoking Eyes Quad), LE, used 10x? $8 (top left in pic)
Tilt (depot), this shadow shattered so I re-pressed it into the pan, $6 (top right)
Tickles (depot from Take Wing Quad), LE, used 2x, $9 (bottom left, more pinkish IRL).
Rule (depot), used 2x, $8 (bottom right)
Or, take the four eyeshadows, in a used MAC quad for $30, shipped w/DC
Orangedescence Lipglass, LE, 2x, $8
Violet Gloss Creme Brilliance, 1x (applied to clean finger) PRO, $7
SAMPLES ***SPECIAL 1/2 tsp for $4 or 1 full tsp for $7.50***
Accent Red Pigment, LE (only 1/4 tsp left)
Sunpepper Pigment, LE
Ruby Red Pigment, Pro
Pink Opal Pigment
Paula Dorf "Once Upon a Dream Eye Kit", LE, barely used, $20 OBO (retail was $25+ but this is kit is no longer available)
OPI Senorita Rose-alita polish, used 1x, $6 (OPI Classics)
OPI Ink polish, used 1x, $6 (from "Night Brights" collection)