The main site

Jul 08, 2006 06:20

The company mainpage is looking fantastic. I can take no credit, as Ali, of Mayhem Designs is deserving of full credit. She came up with a look, and I have been fleshing it out and refining it. Without her work, we would still be in the planning stages. As I learned in Graduate School, presentation is everything, and people like crisp, clean sites to come to each day. There is however something missing. Not sure what, but we woill figure it out, and add it to the site. I would say it is approximately fifty percent compplete.

We have decided, as a Staff, to purchase the Digi Chat system, and get rid of the discussion forums in due time. This is partly, so we can further centralize all operations on the main Gemini Studios sites, making it convenient for our members, and our staff, and myself. It will be a bit pricy, but it could mean the difference between decent success and overwhelming. I hope to draw in a large Vampire the Requiem based chat RPG with this. Regardless, it places all emphasis on the main page, which is why we created it in the first place.

With summer in full swing, we are starting to see increased activity on our RPGs. Dark Awakenings, Jedi Praxeun, Xavier's School, Original Sin, Aftermath, Betrayed, and Roma Victor are picking up steam. The stories are great, and hopefully with a mid summer ad campaign, the sites can really prosper and solidify. We lost so much in the hack, but slowly we are rebuilding, and gaining notoreity on the web. Great things come to those who wait, and we shall be patient.

Thats all for now.

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