Development Blog #2

Feb 14, 2011 12:58

Happy Valentine’s Day from Project NA

(Aren't they cute? XD That picture has nothing to do with the story, goatbit's art is just adorable.

So, pretty big announcement for this little development blog:

The script for Chapter 2 is complete!

Not the coding mind you, just the script. Yes, I’m one of those ren’py people who writes out an entire script for the game before coding the game itself. Apparently this is rare and we’ll see how it works out later when the game gets more complex, but for now I think it works pretty well.

Here’re the stats for the game with all the dialogue coded in:

The game contains 1,226 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 13,478 words.

As you can see, that’s not just double the content of the first game - it’s almost three times as much. And, with four different endings to get, that should mean plenty of replay value for this one. ^_^

There’s kinda gonna an art explosion in this game, which I feel bad about because it means more work for goatbit, and she’s moving right now. ^.^; So completion dates for the art are still way up in the air. Still, she’s been doing some really good work, including this new design of Francis out of his baking attire:

On my end, there’s still a lot of coding to do, mostly tied to the art. The dialogue and backgrounds are all in place, but I still need to work in the characters, CGs, transitions, sound effects, music, and menu design; not to mention running it through beta a few dozen times at each stage for proofreading and to make sure the game flows correctly no matter what combination of events crop up.

Not gonna say anything about a release date yet, because of course we both have lives (okay, goatbit has a life, mine is current suffering from post-graduation unemployment) but I’ll try to keep everybody updated as the game progresses. Aiming for every one-to-two weeks or so; so keep an eye out. Next time I hope to show off one of the new characters. Guess who. ^_^

development blog, america, france, canada, project na, ren'py

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