The picture link leads to my DA, where you can see this picture in its full size. I just figured 600 pixels wide was a good standard for an LJ entry.
(ahem) So. For anyone linked here from
nationslash (which I'm guessing is most of you) a bit of explination is probably in order. These little guys are "future nation-tans" from an AU future that sprung from a fic of mine,
Avalon. Since people seemed to enjoy that, I recently continued the "series" with a one-shot,
Songs for a New World.
SInce I'm opening the world up for others to play in, should they so choose, I thought a couple of profiles might be in order... (Profile pictures done in a pathetic attempt at original Hetalia art style. I failz at that so much_
Arthur Williams-Jones, Age 11, 132 cm
[Official Name] Avalonia Isle
[Official Language] English
[Birthday] May 17
[National Flower] Narcissus Rose
[Territories] The former English isle, including Scottish and Welsh territories; with disputed claims in Irish land
[Current Status] Protectorate of the North-American Union (America, Canada)
Named for a legendary island of immortal beauty, he is a symbol of hopeful tidings for the once-ruined United Kingdom. Since he was raised by America and Canada, he developed a vibrant, somewhat egotistical personality mellowed by pensiveness and good manners. He has a close connection with fairies and other creatures that are supposedly mythical, but though his caretakers can occasionally see them, his friends cannot. He loves stories of chivalry and is somewhat sensitive about his relatively small stature.
Other nations say, “He may be England’s, but you can tell America was the one who raised him.”
Toivo Oxenstiema, Age 12, 148 cm
[Official Name] The United Scandinavian Territories of Valha
[Official Language] Swedish
[Birthday] December 22
[National Flower] Lily of the Valley
[Territories] The former Scandinavian territories of Finland, Norway and Iceland,
[Current Status] Dependant on Sweden financially and defensively
Stocky and stoic, he is easily the most mature of the recently reborn countries. He generally acts as the mediator in any debates and is always available to offer some common sense advice. It helps that he’s a lot smarter than he sometimes lets on. However, his face is perpetually innocent, like Finland’s, with undermines his efforts to be taken more seriously. Always dresses like he’s about to go out in a snow storm. Really, really likes puffins.
Some of his people want to add Sweden and Denmark to their union. It makes him nervous - he doesn’t really want Papa Sweden and Uncle D. to go away just yet.
Xiu Ling, Age 11, 143 cm
[Official Name] The People’s Republic of Shangri
[Official Language] Chinese, Japanese
[Birthday] September 9
[National Flower] Cherry blossom
[Territories] The former territories of Tibet, Taiwan and both Koreas; along with some of India
[Current Status] Protectorate of Japan, with strong ties to China via culture and economy
An elegant young lady with a hidden savage personality. She conducts herself very well among those she considers her superiors, but among equals and family, her true boisterous and demanding nature becomes clear. She’s very ambitious and already lays claim to some of Grandpa China’s land. Slightly spoiled, she’s not afraid to use her charms to get what she wants; however, she overestimates how much attraction her male playmates have for her. Can usually convince Avalon to go along with her by feeding him lines about knighthood and honor.
Looks more and more like Taiwan as she gets older. She uses that to get her way with China and Japan.
Their ages are, natually enough, open to variation throughout the various stories that might crop up. I just figured that 11-12 would be a good age to even out at.