Contemplating Obama Drama and the Fannish Five

Nov 07, 2008 23:31 I glad it's Friday. I've really been struggling just to keep afloat this semester, what with work and classes, so you'll have to excuse me for not being around much. Figured that, as long as my legs are so numb from my anime club's scavenger hunt that I can't move, I might as well take a little time to comment on the stuff that's being dicussed on my F-list.

First off, holy cheese, am I glad that damn election is over. I am never, ever, ever, ever, ever working a journalism beat during an election year again. It is just way too much trouble for something that I really don't care that much for. That said, while I supported Obama from the very start of the campiagn, I think he's a wonderful man, the best canidate for the job, and I'm very happy that he won...I really don't think it's as big of a deal as people are making it out to be. Because honestly, if you think about it, the President of the United States serves, essentially, the same role as the royal family of England currently serves - representing the country as a carismatic, confident leader and distracting the voters from the people who are actually fucking the country up. Obama presents himself as more of the image that I would like to become associated with America, so I'm perfectly happy with that. But I don't think he's any kind of god-send, and it's not some kind of miracle that he was elected. Honestly, I just don't think it's that big of a deal.

Secondly, confirmation of the rumors that I had been adamently trying to ignore: Robin, Nightwing and BoP are ending. Surprisingly, though, I don't really feel much about it either way - while the books may not have been selling, the characters are too popular amongst both fans and creators to get rid of just yet. Honestly, I'm cashing in on everybody taking up new identities in the aftermath of RIP, which could turn out really interesting.

The subject's come up a lot, it seems, because of the Fannish Five challenge for this...week, month, whatever it is that group goes by. I've thought about the question quite a bit and, honestly, I find it really amazing that people can come up with this singular events that would cause them to just abandon a fandom that they loved. I've never had an issue like that, really - if I fall out of love with a fandom, it's just like falling out of love with a person. It happens gradually, so gradually that an emotional dunce like me doesn't even notice that it's happening until it's already gone.

It's not like any of this means anything, mind you. I just thought I'd throw in my two cents.

In lighter, more fandom-related news: Yes, I am still writing fic. Specifically, I am working on the sequel to Knowing, Watching, Late that I've been meaning to do. I actually got a kick-start on it from angel_gidget , who listed it among her requests from my "guess the fandom from my vauge hints" game that I played a while back.

Actually, I mean to get started on that fic last week, but my mind has recently been hijacked by (as people who've noticed my change in mood themes might have guessed) Ouran High School Host Club. Specifically, there's this oneshot Kyoya/Kaoru peice that wouldn't leave me alone, so I wrote it up this week and will type it this weekend so I can finally get started on some other things.

I'm also working, for those who know my FanFiction.Net stuff and care, on the next chapter of Kingdom of the Elemental Hearts. I'm hoping to have it finished by December 10th-ish, possibly sooner because I don't know when finals end.

And, well, that's all from me. Drop me a line if anything catches your eye - I've kind of missed talking to people in comments. That's like, half the fun here. ^_^

random wonderings, election, fandom

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