Chat Thingy

Jun 17, 2008 10:48

Yesterday, I participated in the 'writing chat thingy' the shinanagin announced. Got in late and left early, so I only did three prompts, but I think they turned out pretty well. And since I've been kinda distracted lately, I figured it wouldn't hurt to post 'em here to let everyone else see.

Prompt #1 - "Write about an injury"
Fandom: Pre-Crisis Teen Titans
Characters: Robin, Wonder Girl; Superboy and Kid Flash mentioned
A/N: Ran out of time and couldn't think of an ending. May come back to this later.

“Robin, you’re bleeding!”

“Huh?” Tim blinked a few times, then reached up to run his hand along his forehead. When he pulled it back down, he found a streak of bright red blood glistening on his glove. “Oh. Would’ja look at that?”

Cassie sighed in aggravation and pressed her face into her palm. “I swear, we have Superboy and Kid Flash on our team, how are you the one with the hardest head?”

Tim grinned, and it was at that point that he knew he must have gotten hit harder than he thought. He was actually feeling kinda…silly. “Well, I have to keep up with them somehow.”

Wonder Girl caught the quip and raised an eyebrow in surprise. “That‘s it, you’re cracking jokes and you’re bleeding everywhere. Something’s wrong. Come here and let me patch you up.”

“It’s just cut, Cassie…”


“Yes ma’am.”

Tim sat on the wooden crate that she had pulled him down on, and Cassie reached for the first aid kit she knew he kept in his utility belt. She carefully pulled pieces of medical tape off the loop to tape the cut shut, working quickly. Neither of them said a word for a long time.

“…You really scare us sometimes, you know that?” She finally said.

“Hm?” Tim glanced up at her from behind his mask. “I get hurt all the time.”

“That doesn’t make it any less scary, you know,” Wonder Girl sighed, carefully checking that the repair was secure. “I mean, Kon and I are invulnerable, and Bart heals so fast that he might as well be, but you’re just…”


At that, Cassie almost laughed. “Please. Nobody from Gotham is normal.”

Tim laughed himself, pulling a glove off to carefully touch the wound and be certain that it was secure. Cassie watched him quietly for a while longer before she sighed. “…But you do get hurt. And that’s…kinda scary, you know?”

(Time's up!)

Prompt #2 - "Write about a Justifiable Sin"
Fandom: The same AU as Robin's Claws 
Characters: Helena Kyle/Robin, Tim Drake/Batman
A/N: This 'verse still needs a name. Anybody got any suggestions?

People always said that Batman was bad. But Helena didn’t believe in people any more.

She couldn’t really remember a time when she had. Her earliest memories were of foster homes and child care centers where she got bounced around all the time and nobody really cared how long she stayed anywhere. The social services lady said that her mommy had given Helena up because she couldn’t take care of her anymore. Helena thought that nobody seemed to take care of her, ever.

When she was five, she got put in an orphanage run by priests. They were the ones who taught her to read and write so the people who came to look at the orphans would pick her and take her to a good home. Part of their lessons involved memorizing all ten commandments about bad things not to do. Helena couldn’t really remember ‘em all, but she knew the second one was easy: ‘Thou shalt not kill.’

When she was six she got adopted, by a new mommy and daddy who promised to love and take care of her forever. When she was eight, forever came to an end. Daddy started drinking and staying up late and yelling and hitting. Mommy started taking funny-looking pills and candies that made her act weird.

The commandments hadn’t said anything about these things, but Helena knew they were bad.

When she was ten, Daddy started hitting them, so Helena learned to stay away. She made herself so quiet that sometimes they forgot she was there, and that was the best time. When that happened, she could stay in her secret spot in the closet and read papers with a little flashlight. She liked the stories about Batman best. The papers always said that Batman was bad, but Helena didn’t believe the papers - she knew what bad was. Batman got rid of the bad. He did it ‘cause nobody else was gonna.

Batman cared even though nobody else did.

Batman killed people, and killing people was bad. But Helena knew that she could forgive him.

After all, she was Robin now.

Prompt #3 - "Write about something to hold onto."
Fandom: Digimon Frontier
Characters: Kouji Minamoto, Kouichi Kimura

“Take it.”

“But Kouji…”

“Just take it!”

Kouji shoved the blue-and-yellow striped bandanna into his brother’s hands, backing off quickly so that Kouichi couldn’t return it. The elder twin stared at the item in confusion. “Kouji…I can’t just take this. This is important to you…”

“Yeah, it is,” Kouji blew a piece of loose hair out of his eyes, looking up at the sky as though there were something interesting up there, even though there really wasn’t. “So I don’t want to get it all messed up or lost or something while we’re traveling. Plus, who knows what kind of mess they have floating around in New York - it‘ll be disgusting.”

Unconsciously, Kouichi’s fingers curled tightly around the bandanna. Their father was moving again, to America, further than he ever had before, and Kouji had no choice but to go with him. They were being torn away from each other again so soon, and even though they both knew it wasn’t permanent…it still hurt.

“So just hold onto that for me, okay?”

Kouichi gripped the bandanna a bit more tightly and blinked away the tears to smile at his brother. “Yeah. Sure.”

batman, digimon, dcu, cassie sandsmark, kouichi kimura, robin, fan fic, kouji minamoto, tim drake, helena kyle

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