May 24, 2005 13:54
Another day of R & R. Last night I played Halo and met these three hysterical guys from Miami. They were all really good so they let me join their group and play with them. Obviously I sucked, but since they were really good they managed to keep us winning. When we played against some really hard people, I'd find a place to hide. I seriously laughed for about three hours straight. SO fun and funny!
At one point we had to separate teams, and Ruthie and I took on Virgil, which was funny because neither of them would kill me even if I was on the opposite team, so instead they'd run by me and I'd say "Hey boys" and they'd just hang out on the screen to say hi before running away. At one point I was on the other team and all three of them were on my enemy, and the people on my team were like "Why the hell are none of them ever firing at you?" ::laughs:: It was fun!
God I love X-Box Live. I love Chad for getting me into it!