Oct 24, 2004 17:35
For all of you who didnt know or go....yesterday was the Haunted House @ Birmingham and can I say...THANK YOU MELINDA FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK AND DEDICATION AND ALL OF YOU WHO CAME OUT TO SUPPORT!!! I am so proud of how everyone came through and made it a successful night. I had lots of fun!!!! I loved it so much that i busted a hole in the wall and along with that busted my finger and my arm and i broke my "livestrong" bracelette (dont know how to spell it sorry)!!!! Now, its time for DTASC....all us seniors need to get ready to show everyone how we do it in DTASC!!!! I cant believe this is my last regular DTASC!!! It's gonna be hard!!!! Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE WORKING AT NATS!!!!!!! that is all i willl say on that topic!!! :]... Well, i have to go now !!! Have a good day everyone!!!!