Jul 23, 2008 13:20
I was online reading about the CBS cover-up of McCain's gaffe regarding the "Awakening". In the comments, there was one that stood out:
I know you liberal Democrats hate America and you want to see the USA fail in Iraq, but the way you allow your hatred for our troops to shine reveals that you have no patriotism whatsoever.
Since you hate General Petraeus, and the rest of our military, why dont you just move to some other country that agrees with your views? You know, like Iran, Syria, etc. I''m sure you will find lots of friends there.
I just can't get over this. How is this helpful at all? Why can't there be calm conversation about issues, rather than "unpatriotic" accusations? I'm not saying either side is right or wrong, because both sides do it... calling McCain McSame, McBush, or calling Obama Barack Hussein Obama just to scare the uneducated voters in this country.
It's so sad.