Oct 08, 2005 09:28
So... I woke up with a sledgehammer pounding my lower back with (inside joke) a blaze of lumberjack fury today. It started at 6:30am and hasn't gotten any better.
I was a part of the lamest motorcycle gang in the world in my dream last night. It consisted of myself, some of my old high school friends (nobody reading this) and (apparently) some teen-aged member of the British royal family. None of us actually knew how to ride, that's the funny part.
Back in reality, (or fantasy still) I wish my house had a laundry chute. Something I could dump all the dirty clothes in and then through magic (or paid help) they would return to the bedroom the next day washed, dried and folded. I also hate trying to keep the kitchen clean all the time... like we have this habit of letting the dishes build up until the sink resembles that primordial fungus shit that's all over the place in that terrible Mario Brothers movie.
Speaking of John Leguizamo... I want to see that Romeo and Juliet movie again sometime.