Dec 11, 2005 20:54
Interesting weekend....good and terrible at the same time. I expressed so much emotion this past weekend I think it numbed me, if that makes sense. I hate that I got so upset, but I'm glad we talked. I'm still confused though and I probably will be for a while. I just don't understand what happened.
I love Aubri btw. She's awesome :)
I knew that although I had a really crappy week that it was bound to get worse. Somehow I knew that someone I was close to was going to pass away, it was such a strange feeling. When my mom told me I was stunned. I wasn't even close to him recently, but I pretty much grew up with the kid. He was my brother's best friend as a kid and we were on swim team together. It's just sad to hear news like that. The thing that makes it so weird to think about is knowing that he's gone. Like, I didn't really plan on seeing him in the future, although I'm sure I would have run into him at a deli or something, but just knowing that there's no possible way I could ever see him again is just so hard to imagine. Just like when my dog died, it's still hard for me to think that I could never see her again.
I just want to be home so bad right now. I need my family. I need a good cry with the girls. I need a break.