
Feb 17, 2006 16:58

Wind days are pretty awesome. =D
Too bad im bored out of my mind already.
...I already watched She's All That twice 
...I already fooled around with my hair and makeup
And now i dont know what to do...
I sorta wish i had school today....
but yet not really since i would have had to make up 3-4 tests..

200. My middle name is: Joy
199: I was born on: May 21,1989
198. I am: pretty damn awesome
196. My eye color is: Bright Blue...but at times, sort of gray
195. My shoe size is: 91/2
194. My ring size is: 7?
192. My height is: 5' 4"
191. I am allergic to: dust and pollen
190. I live in: williamsville
189. The last book I read: Just finished The Color Purple, but reading Macbeth now
188. My bed is: comfortable
187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: is that they can be the nicest people you have ever met..or they can be total assholes
186. I am glad I'm my sex b/c: ummm because idk
179. My favorite Holiday is: Christmas, my birthday, or New Years...
178. The perfect kiss is: from the perfect guy
177. The last three cd's I bought are: i dont buy cds anymore 
176. Last song that made me cry was: i dont remember...
172. My most treasured possession(s) is(are): my photos of my dogs and family
170. What did you do last night: ummm homework...i thought i would have school today.
167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): burn
:::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::
143. Santa?: duhh...of course
142. love at first sight?: Lust at first sight...then love
141. luck?: I'm not sure
140. Fate?: sure, why not
139. God?: not so sure about that.
138. Aliens?: possibly.
137. Heaven?: again...not sure.
136. Hell?: ugh, again....not sure.
135. Ghosts?: yes.
134. Horoscopes?: at times, yes.
133. Soulmates?: sure, why not.
:::::Which is Better?:::::
129. Hugs or Kisses? hugs are nice but idk...tough one.
128. Drunk or High: drunk
127. phone or online: phone
126. Red heads or Black hair?: black hair.
125. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes
120. Night or Day: Day.
119. Oranges or Apples: Oranges
118. Curly or Straight hair: well my hair is naturally curly, but i like my straight hair better
:::::Here's What I Think About:::::
116. Abortion?: Pro-Choice
115. Backstabbers?: bitches
114. Parents?: Main source of probelms.
110. School?: Fun..getting sick of the people though...which brings me to the fact that i cant wait to go to a different school
:::::Last time?::::::::
103. Kissed someone: last weeked
102. hugged someone: Wed.
101. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: umm last weekend
99. Grew: idk?
90. Who's the ditziest person I know: i can be at times
89. Who makes you laugh the most: Danielle
187. One thing I'm pissed about right now is: nothing.
83. The last movie I saw in the theater was: I dont know, havent been to the theater in awhile.
82. The thing I don't understand is: i just dont understand people at times
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received: umm idk?
79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: their hugs =)
76. This summer I am: going to look at colleges..hang with my friends..paint my new room and get use to my new house...possibly see Jesse if he comes umm im just gonna enjoy it.
75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: the security
74. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: college
::::::what are you doing?:::::::
73. Tomorrow: sleep...hopefully goin out
72. Today: idk, right now im extremely bored
71. Next Summer: looking at colleges
70. Next Week: chillin with people...spring break Bitch!.
67. People call me: Kaitie, Kaitlyn, Lil Wauhkonen, Dan's Sister, Kait, Isabel, Kwags, Cat
64. The person I have been good friends with the longest: umm lauren..anna..
62. The person who knows the most about me is?: Danielle and Nick
61. The ppl that can read me the best are: some of my friends
60. The most difficult thing to do is: watch the one you love go away
59. I have gotten a speeding ticket: never
58. I have the following siblings: Jess~21 Dan~19 
56. My zodiac sign is: gemini
55. The first person I THOUGHT i was in love with was: no one yet
53. The one person who can't hide things from me: ummm a few people.
51. Right now I am talking to: no one
48. I have/will get a job at/with: babysitting
47. I have how many pets in my house: 1 fish and 2 cats
46. I hope: that i have an amazing junior and senior year
45. The worst sound in the world: people eating something while making noises.
44. The person that makes me cry the most is: my father
39. My boy/girlfriend: dont have one
35. florida or hawaii: either one would be nice...
33. My favorite piece of clothing is: ummm accesories!
32. My favorite sport is: hockey or football
31. Last time I cried: umm when i went home sick monday...i was really scare, didnt know what was wrong wiht me
28. The school I go to is: South is awesome but boring now...has too many rules now
27. Last person I got pissed at: she knows who she is
26. My worst drinking experience was: ummm i dont remember
22. The all-time best movies are: Dirty Dancing: Havan Nights...Never Been Kissed..The Little Giants!..
21. The all-time best thing in the world is: hanging with the one you care for...and your friends
20. So, about them Canadians eh?: What about them? I am Canadian
19. The most annoying thing ever is: People insainly smart..and just annoying people
18. The most annoying person you know is: someone
17. I lose all respect for people who: lie.
11. The worst pain I was ever in was: when my dog cut my face open
10. My favorite phrase: Lame!
9. My room: big...love it.
8. My favorite celebrity is: Paul Walker...so hot...umm and shoot i cant remember his name...that australian actor from 10 things i hate about you..
5. My weakness is: losing a loved one
4. What turns me on: hmmmmm....
3. Who broke your heart?: no one yet
2. I filled out 200 questions because: huh i didn't count 200...
1. What do you regret most: not going to that party new years.
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