Sep 26, 2004 10:57
Well today has been extrememely boring! Because of the stupid hurricane im at my aunts house with all of my mom's side of the family and i think im gonna go insane! Dont get me wrong i love my family but when ur forced to stay with them for hours on end with no means of escape it can get kinda out of hand! Well yesterday had to be one of the best days ever! I spent most of the afternoon with my boyfriend, Orlando,his lil sis, Pamela, my lil sis and her b/f and Pamela's lil friend Gilbert. We spent most of the time outside playing kickball and wrestling each other, me and Orlando,but when it started raining we all went inside and played with his PS2! Well then my mom called my cell and was all like "please go home" so orlando and my sisters b/f, Andrew, walked us home (unfortunately they couldnt stay). Later, when my mom got home from work, i went back to his house and when i had to leave Pamela called my mom and was all like "can she stay for the hurricane?!" we were all laughing after that!LOL!
School has been ok i guess. We got progress reports yesterday and i tried to go without showing it to my mom but it didnt work, so now i had to sit through a lecture where my mom said i guess u need to spend a lil less time with Orlando and more time studying, but the truth is he actually helps me study! Ne wayz.... a lot of my classes aren't that great but what can i say i gotta graduate so ill get over it! Friends...ok my friends are the best! We are all like a big family and even though we might have "arguments" we always find a way to get over it! I'm kinda in a "fight" with my big sis Michelle but it seems like were just gonna act like if nothing happened and just move on. I actually think thats the best thing to do this time. Oh! Friday was Jessica's birthday and in the morning she seemed really upset cause she thought we forgot her birthday but during lunch ( when we finally saw her after waiting for forever) we all sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY and she started crying. It was great though cause you can tell it made her day better!
Gosh you never know how much a guy can change you until you get into a relationship where you just wanna be with him all the time! Sorry if i talk a lot about Orlando its my first b/f and im extremely happy about it! Well i guess ill stop boring you guyz with my life now, plus im really tired! ttyl!