What a semster!

Dec 15, 2006 04:51

I can't believe I'm writing this, but the semester is one day from being completely over. By this time tomorrow, Emily will have most likely packed up and headed home. I will have said Goodbye to Barun and Lauren for the holiday, and I will be preparing to say Farewell to my roommate of three years for 6 whole months! I can't believe that it is almost here... the semester that she has been looking forward to and i have been dreading since freshman year. Emma is going to go out on her own and experience life in the quasi real world of Spain while I try to break in a new, strange roommate. As I sit here looking around my room, I am realizing how a room that I initially scorned has ended up feeling so much like home. I have my issues, to be sure, and I may not spend a ton of time here, but my room has really shaped up to be a space that I love. Part of me kind of hopes that I end up keeping it to myself next semester, because I really have grown comfortable with my bedroom, and Emma's room would make an amazing common area for the group. I also have been feeling clostrophobic lately, so the space to spread out and relax would be really nice. I don't know how I'd survive, though, being here all by myself with everyone else in Haven. I don't know... I realize that I have no control over the matter, so after tomorrow, I'm just leaving it to chance, and I'll trust that fate will treat me as well this time around as it did freshman year. if 14 out of the original 40 people on my floor became my close friends, I think that I have a pretty good track record with living companions. And hopefully I haven't just jinxed myself.

Well, as the clock nears 4, I think its time for me to surrender to the passage of time and turn in for the night. I can't put off the inevitable forever, and the time to turn in my final paper for Buttny is drawing intimidatingly near. I have to get up some time around 9 tomorrow to meet everyone for one last breakfast and to finish my monstrosity, and then I'll be done. One last work shift and I'll be free to enjoy my last few hours in the Cuse. Hopefully, Randy and I will be able to spend the time relaxing and celebrating the year and a half he has been able to put up with me. The 15th is the anniversary of when I told him that I liked him, so the symbolic importance is there lol.

Ok... on that note, I'm headed to bed. Hopefully my neighbors stop shouting so that I can get some shut-eye before 9am.
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