May 19, 2006 13:00
I decided to rent a couple movies on a lark last night. Whatever possessed me to rent them I'll just have to chalk up to temporary insanity. I feel unclean having watched them. Some how the thought of renting Catwoman (Halle Berry) seemed like something resembling a good idea for an unknown reason; I blame alien abduction of some sort. Let me make it clear that this is a BAD movie in case anyone didn't already know. It takes the worst elements of Daredevil and Elektra, combines them with Halle Berry's classic and painful butchering of Storm, then seeks out the worst writer and supporting actors who could possibly be found, simply to remove any doubt that this movie indeed has no redeeming factors. What the Hell was I thinking?!?! I may never know.
As is suffering through that awful fate wasn't enough, I also gave into weakness and rented Dracula's Curse, the sort of meaningless vampire movie drivel I usually enjoy as a guilty pleasure. This movie was a mistake. If I had known anything about the director or actors, I would have immediately set this section of Blockbuster on fire to avoid the world any future pain. THE GUNS MAKE WOOSHING SOUNDS WHEN THE CHARACTERS DRAW THEN, among other horrible elements. It feels like a tv series season (and a really bad one) that they decided to cram into a 2 hour movie instead. Way too many characters, no where near enough character development, no clear idea of who the main character(s) even are (I narrowed it down to about a dozen), and the worst choreography/effects I've seen in quite a while. The script's pretty bad too, though it seems like this could have been a good movie given a modicum of effort and a budget larger than about $20.
Ah well, that's one evening I'll never get back. At least I have something to post about :-D.
PS: You guessed it - Remember to come to my b-day party on June 17th and bring friends. Yes, that means you. See ya there!