Dear Santa,

Oct 26, 2020 15:45

I've been having some issues and was going to gloss things over but that's not being a good writer.

Nine months ago I started having intense pain. For the last seven months I have been unable to walk. I am running behind, But I am interested in the SEAS. I will write and read almost anything but not bdsm. I like Gibbs and DiNozzo. I'm not a ziva fan. I haven't kept up with recent episodes.'' With the health issues, I'm not really in a good frame of mind for thoses.

I trust all the elves and will just be thrilled to recieve my present.

I am also stepping out into the advent calendar again this year... Hope to see a lot of elves there.

I was very gratefull to elf Rose_Malmaison for helping me post the reverse bang entry was hospitalized.

dear santa letter sesa 2020

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