Well it has been a while..since i have been on..Rebecca passed away~..only a couple of days after my last entry!..bless her heart. My brother is on the road to recovery and hopefully will be coming here to visit sometime soon!
I have had so little time for art lately..but have been enjoying some fun out in the yard..hah! I moved at least 20 wheel barrows full of rocks yesterday!!! I decided to revamp my pond area. so the first order of business was to totally clear the area...here is the beginnings....
I had already started clearing the concrete faux rock around the firepit....by the wheel barrow..this next pic is a before..very weedy and overgrown..
more before
the yucky pond i will have to deal with...oooh it smells too....
these are all the rocks i moved...all yesterday...
this area is clear of plants and rocks..oooh my poor back this morning...can you see...I am here on the computer instead of moving rocks and plants...but more today..after i indulge a bit this morning...lol!~
this last one shows all the concrete pieces...rocks in the foreground and plants i moved...i also moved the arbor seet from behind the pond over to the corner...I'll keep updating as i go!~
I did realize something..lately for some reason i have been in this strange quiet mood..i don'twant to talk much to anybody and feel like i just want to be left alone..hard thing when you have 6 kids..4 of which live here...a hubby that loves to tell me stories and a 22 yr old that thinks she knows everything about life and has this concept of how everybody should act...especially her mother..and will not stop telling her that she thinks so...Any way..working out in the yard and moving dirt and rocks is so therapeutic...I just loved the zone i could get myself into..a peace that I haven't felt in a long time. I have been feeling like i just want to run away and hide...well i accomplished that by just going to my backyard. I wonder at times if I am in some sort of depression..i am having a hard time enjoying the things i normally do..my art is a frustration to me right now...my bellydancing..i could take or leave...even though I am trying hard to get back into to mood...it is just so weird the whole thing..i cry easily and alot...i would go years without crying..but lately it is every other week and i sniffle even at sappy commercials...so it is hard to tell what is going on..but I do know that working on this project most definitely made me feel better yesterday.
So i will post my progress as I go...i need to finish clearing all of the plants and the rest of the rocks...then i will dig the hole for the added pond...wil be connected by the stream i will be digging..i need to move all of the dirt to behind the pond..where the arbor bench was to create the water fall~